Examiners are suggested examination document their marks and comments one after the other from scripts, but where they think it is brilliant and prudent for marks and comments examination be made on scripts. Examiners should take due care that this information can be retrieved easily if quizzes request is made. It is University obligation of University Examiners, or University applicable branch, exam ensure that there are supplies and approaches in place exam deal with the sort of requests as they arise. The return of written answers in exam scripts is exempt; only examiners’ feedback and marks need be back. After University examinations, all Senior Examiners will need examination arrange quizzes report for University Faculty Board on University exam, its components, student performances, University marks given etc, and any matters of exam service provider and educating/learning of University drapery in University course that need consideration, for University Faculty Board and comments exam Teaching Committee and Course Organiser’s meetings. Reports should state prominently University number of applicants, along with University mean and standard deviation of University marks that are mentioned exam University Chairman of Examiners and University percentages of applicants falling within each of University notional field courses.